Sydney Anderson
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Sydney is a current undergraduate student majoring in neuroscience at the University of Iowa. She enjoys movie nights with her friends and family as well as playing pickleball in the university’s pickleball club.

Catalina Armstrong
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Catalina was born and raised in Iowa City and will graduate with an BS degree in neuroscience on the pre-medical track at the University of Iowa with a goal of attending medical school and pursuing a career as a pediatric neurologist. She began volunteering at the Voss Lab in fall of 2024 and hopes to continue her focus in research throughout her career. Apart from academics, Catalina spends her time on the Iowa Gymnastics Club team and outdoors with family and friends.

Madison Blevins
Post Baccalaureate Research Assistant
Madison was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and received a BA in psychology from Augsburg University in her hometown. After graduating, she became a research assistant in the Voss lab through the iDREAM neuroscience post-baccalaureate program. She hopes to attend a neuroscience PhD program next year. Outside of lab work, Madison enjoys reading, painting, and playing with her cat.

Hollie Byrne
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Hollie is an undergraduate psychology major at the University of Iowa from the Chicago area. Hollie is currently looking at PhD programs in the field of clinical counseling, wanting to eventually become a clinical psychologist. Outside the lab, she enjoys going to concerts, nature walks, and traveling.
Liam Campbell
Graduate Student, Clinical Science (PBS)
Liam is a second year Clinical Science PhD student in the clinical neuropsychology major area of study. He obtained his BA in psychology from the University of California, Irvine, and was raised in northern California. His research interests orbit aging trajectories both pathological and healthy, as well as related biomarkers in imaging and blood. Outside of the lab, he loves to cycle, weightlift, and travel. You are sure to find him with a cup of tea or coffee in hand.

Hayley Chappell
Post Baccalaureate Research Assistant
BOOST/JumpstartPA Exercise Specialist
Hayley hails from West Des Moines, Iowa and is a December 2023 University of Iowa graduate with a Bachelor of Science in exercise science. She also works as a patient care technician at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. She hopes to attend medical school next year and is interested in sports medicine. When not working, Hayley enjoys lifting, thrifting, and finding new coffee spots with friends.

Eli Chow
Undergraduate Research Assistant
A junior from Johnston, Iowa, Eli is studying chemical informatics. He works with machine learning for the lab, interpreting correlations in data between exercise and Alzheimer’s Disease and identifying patterns for at-risk populations. In his free time, Eli enjoys climbing and hanging out with friends.

Zak Gilliam
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Zak is an undergraduate researcher from the Chicago area. He is studying Informatics - Human-Computer Interaction. Zak's goals are to create non-invasive neural interfaces for leading tech companies. In his free time he enjoys coding new projects and spending time with his cat.
Megan Hilliard
Post Baccalaureate Research Assistant
BOOST Study Project Manager
Megan was born and raised in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and graduated from the University of Iowa in 2022 with a BS in psychology and a Certificate in Disability Studies. Following graduation, she began working as a post-baccalaureate research assistant for the Voss Lab and hopes to attend graduate school to serve as a clinical psychologist in the future. Outside of the lab, Megan enjoys spending time with her cat, golfing, and exploring the Iowa City and Cedar Rapids communities.

Qiutong Hong
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Qiutong is a University of Iowa graduate with a BS in psychology. She is interested in aging-related cognitive decline and training.

Ava Hunt
Undergraduate Research Assistant
A junior from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, majoring in neuroscience with a minor in gender, women’s, and sexuality studies, Ava is interested in how physical activity can delay cognitive decline and support overall mental alertness. She plans to attend medical school after finishing her undergraduate degree and is a volunteer in the Neuroscience Intermediate Inpatient Unit (NIIU) at UIHC. In her spare time, Ava enjoys attending concerts, listening to country music, working out, and spending time with her family.

Caleb Kroll
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Caleb is an undergraduate student majoring in Psychology and hopes to join a Clinical Psychology PsyD graduate program after gaining some more experience in the field. He also enjoys Dungeons and Dragons.
Bryan Madero
Graduate Student, Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience (PBS)
Bryan received his BA in psychology, from the University of California, Riverside, in 2019 and is a doctoral candidate in the Psychological Brain Sciences Program in behavioral cognitive neuroscience. His research centers on understanding why some individuals have better than expected cognitive abilities by studying individual differences in brain structure and function. Bryan enjoys riding his bike around the community, spending time with loved ones, cooking, and playing board games.

Ali Meredith
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Ali is an undergraduate student studying Psychology and Health Promotion. She is interested in the relationship between physical activity and cognitive health. After graduation, she hopes to attend graduate school to become a clinical psychologist. Outside of school and the lab, she enjoys working out and spending time outdoors with friends.

Linh Nguyen
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Linh is a senior pursuing a psychology major, a minor in human relations, and a certificate in resilience and trauma-informed perspectives. She hopes to attend graduate school in the counseling field.
Chris Oehler , MS
Lab Manager, Clinical Trial and Data Management Research Associate
BETTER Study Project Manager
Chris received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology in 2010 from the University of Iowa,
and a Master of Science in experimental psychology in 2016 from Nova Southeastern
University. He has worked in a variety of lab roles throughout his career and is interested in both
cognitive training and physical activity as potential ways to slow cognitive decline. Outside of
lab, he enjoys running, and working on home renovation projects.

Esha Patel
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Esha is a second-year undergraduate student from Bartlett, Illinois, studying psychology on the pre-medicine track. She is especially interested in the ways that cognitive training can help slow progression of impairments like Alzheimer's and dementia. Outside of the lab, she enjoys dancing, reading in spare time, and spending time with family and friends.

Alei Rehovsky
Post Baccalaureate Research Assistant
Alei was raised in Alexandria, Minnesota, and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with a minor in Biology from the University of North Dakota in December 2022. She plans to attend graduate school next year to earn a PhD in Clinical Psychology and eventually, become board certified in Clinical Neuropsychology. In her free time, Alei enjoys going to the gym, being on the lake, reading, and spending time with her friends and family.

Adriana Rivera-Dompenciel, PhD.
Post Doctoral Scholar
Adriana is a recent University of Iowa Neuroscience PhD. graduate from the HBC lab. Her thesis research was on how a specific functional brain network relates to memory performance in older adults and whether certain lifestyle factors such as education impact that relationship. As a postdoctoral research scholar, she is working on programming tasks to enrich and expand computing workflows for data analysis, data sharing, and dissemination of results. She has many hobbies such as reading, horseback riding, hiking, martial arts, trying fusion cuisines, spending time with her boyfriend and dogs, and ice fishing, and tries to regularly visit family back home in Puerto Rico.

DeAndre Steger
Undergraduate Research Assistant
DeAndre, who grew up in Iowa City, is a junior studying Psychology with a goal of becoming a neuropsychologist. He enjoys participating in his fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, and engaging in a multitude of extracurriculars that support the community.

Allison Stiegel
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Allison is a senior studying Psychology with a Spanish minor. After graduation, she plans to attend graduate school to earn a PhD in Neuropsychology and eventually work with people with neurodegenerative disorders. In her free time, Allison enjoys sewing and making quilts, working out, swimming, singing, and hanging out with friends.
Emery Styron
Community Liaison
Emery received his Bachelor of Journalism degree in 1972 from the University of Missouri and earned his Masters in Business Administration from St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa, in 2002. He has worked as a community newspaper reporter, editor and publisher in Missouri and Iowa. He enjoys outdoors pursuits including hiking, paddling, photography and yard work, and spending time with his family.
Michelle Voss, PhD
Associate Professor
Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow
Director, Health Brain & Cognition Lab
Co-Director, Behavioral-Biomedical Interface Training Program
Co-Director, Diversifying Research Experiences and Mentorship postbacc program
Michelle received her PhD in Psychology in 2011 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She also received her BS in Psychology at the University of Illinois, and played varsity tennis for the Illini. She is from Cincinnati, Ohio, and outside the lab she enjoys spending time with family and friends, bicycling, and volunteering at the Bike Library.