Current and past HBC research study participants and others interested in how your participation makes an impact are cordially invited to the Health, Brain & Cognition Lab’s first-ever Open House. The event, scheduled for 1-4 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 16 at 340 Iowa Ave., Iowa City, is free, open to all, and a great opportunity for the public to get an inside look at the University of Iowa’s Psychological and Brain Sciences Department’s research facility downtown. Ample parking is available nearby in the Clock Tower ramp at Iowa Avenue and Gilbert Street.
Lab Director Michelle Voss will present an overview of the lab's research findings and future directions at 3 p.m., with a question-and-answer session to follow. Attendees will have the opportunity to tour the lab, visit with undergraduate, post-bacc, graduate and post-doc scholars about their research, and compare notes with other research study participants.
"We are excited about this opportunity to thank participants for their important contributions to our research on health and brain aging," says Director Voss. "We're also glad to show participants and folks curious about us around the lab, meet staff and students on our research team, and learn what motivates our science and how your participation makes an impact.”
Open House highlights:

- Post-Baccalaureate Research Associate Alei Rehovksy and Exercise Specialist Hayley Chappell will explain the importance of CardioRespiratory Fitness to cognitive health and help attendees compute their own CRF and percentile rankings for their age groups.
- Visitors are invited to take self-guided tours, with stops at several stations. Lab team members Bryan Madero, Madison Blevins, Chris Oehler, and Megan Hilliard, who have presented posters at neuroscience conferences, will be on hand to explain their posters and research interests.
- Visitors can also try their hand at a fun sample task on an adaptive computer game like those used in HBC research.
- Refreshments will be served, with plenty of time for participants to visit with team members and each other. Attendees can enter a drawing for a free HBC Lab t-shirt.
Everyone interested in the HBC Lab's research is encouraged to attend and bring guests. RSVPs are appreciated. Email, register as "Going" at the event posted on our Facebook page, or phone 319-467-1435 to tell us you are coming.